DaSH: A benchmark suite for hybrid dataflow and shared memory programming model
The current trend in development of parallel programming models is to combine different
well established models into a single programming model in order to support efficient
implementation of a wide range of real world applications. The dataflow model has
particularly managed to recapture the interest of the research community due to its ability
to express parallelism efficiently. Thus, a number of recently proposed hybrid parallel programming
models combine dataflow and traditional shared memory models. Their findings
have influenced the introduction of task dependency in the OpenMP 4.0 standard.
عنوان: یک مجموعهی همسنجی برای جریان دادهی هیبریدی و مدلهای برنامهریزی با حافظهی اشتراکی
برای دریافت ترجمه ی این مقاله گزینه ی افزودن به سبد خرید را بزنید.